
Showing posts from January, 2021

Gadgets and Gizmos Galore: Detailed Worldbuilding in The Seems - Emily

The Seems by John Hulme and Michael Wexler is a trilogy detailing the work of Becker Drane, a Fixer. In the book, there are two realms: The World and The Seems. The World is the place ordinary people live in, and The Seems is an alternate dimension that controls what goes on in The World. Every job in The Seems is dedicated to keeping The World running properly, from packaging and dispensing Thought, to regulating Emotion, to spreading one side of pillows with Warm and the other side with Cool. Of course, things are bound to go wrong--whether a machine functions or someone purposely sabotages something, issues crop up every day. This is where Fixers come in. They are the most prestigious workers, 37 in total, having gone through a rigorous selection and training process. However, I’m not here to talk about the story. If you want to hear about Becker’s adventures, you can go read the books yourself (or wait for me to write another post about them, as I love this series). Instead, I’m go...