Death of The Author - Tray

What is death of the author? According to, death of the author “is a concept from mid-20th Century literary criticism; it holds that an author's intentions and biographical facts (the author's politics, religion, etc) should hold no special weight in determining an interpretation of their writing.” The theory stems from Roland Barthes, a French literary theorist. To be clear, it is not the author actually perishing, but instead, a theory. While the creator of a piece of literature is technically the author of it, death of the author argues otherwise, saying that the intent of the author should be ripped away from their work. The theory suggests that the reader, not the creator, is the ultimate interpreter of the work. Death of the author isn’t a theory stuck in writing, even though that is what this blog will be primarily discussing, it can also be applied to many different types of media, like philosophy, art, dance, etc. Many English teachers, students,...