A Wrinkle in Time Review

  A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle follows Meg Murry's journey throughout space and time to rescue her father. Accompanying her in her travels is her younger brother Charles Wallace and her friend Calvin O'Keefe. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which lead the kids on their adventure. The planet Mr. Murry is being held on is being taken over by a dark force called the Dark Thing. This Dark Thing takes the form of a giant brain called IT conforming everything in its control to its rhythmic sensation. The gang has to overcome this being and rescue Meg and Charles's father. I won't spoil the rest of the book as you should consider reading it soon.   

    I enjoyed this book and reading it was a pleasure. The ending was great and showed how powerful love is and I think that's a great message for a book as popular as this one to give out. Meg as a character develops a lot from the beginning to the end. She has to look into herself to be able to defeat IT and bring her family back together. Overall, I would rate this book at a solid 8/10.
    There is a Movie based on the book, I have not watched it yet. But, based on my very quick research I'm not going too soon. It earned a 4.2/10 from IMBd. The Movie also flopped at the box office only making 33 million dollars, less than a third of its budget of 103 million dollars. So if your interesting in the story of A Wrinkle in Time stick to the book it's much better. 


  1. I remember reading this book in I think 5th grade for a group project. I recall being confused and perplexed within the first few chapters. I didn't understand the idea behind The Dark Thing, or how her father even got to the unknown planet in the first place, but I do remember the opening scene where the mentors start showing up at her house in the middle of a storm. Nice review

  2. I remember reading this book, as well as being confused by the IT and Dark Thing. I did like the message and portrayal of the characters though. I also did end up watching the movie on an airplane randomly, and it was mediocre. The movie in general just wasn't super interesting or engaging in my opinion. Nice review!

  3. I remember reading the first half of this book in 6th grade but I never finished it because it just failed to catch my interest. Maybe I'll pick it up again since you make it sound pretty good and it's been a while since 6th grade.

  4. I remembering reading this book too. I also thought it was a bit confusing but I really liked it overall. I thought Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which were interesting and I liked reading about the planet they were on. I agree that the power of love is an important message that should be shared and that it can be spread through being the focus of a popular book. I forgot about how Meg changed as a character until I read this and I think that her adventures and Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which influenced her. Good job!


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