Ready Player 2 -Nate

    Ready Player Two follows Wade Watts after the events of the first novel, Ready Player One. As with any other Squeal, it contains spoilers for its first Novel, so there is your warning. So a few days after Wade inherits half a trillion dollars and becomes the richest man alive, he learns of a new technology Halliday was producing in the background, the OASIS Neural Interface (ONI). This essentially makes it so anybody could control their OASIS character with only their mind and experience all five senses. Art3mis don't really like this, saying it would just cause the world to go into even more of a mess getting into a decent-sized fight with Wade resulting in their break up. Although Art3mis doesn't approve of the ONI headsets, the rest of the High Five, Aech and Shoto, approve. So, the headsets go into production and the sales went through the ceiling. The amount of ONI users increased rapidly and once they hit, with 7,777,777 at once a new easter egg/ riddle appears stating. 

Seek the Seven Shards of the Siren's Soul
On the seven worlds where the Siren Once played a roll
For each fragment my heir must pay a toll
To once again make the Siren whole

    So, to not spoil the entire plot of the book, someone or something really wants to make the Siren whole. As the riddle states, only Halliday's heir can collect the shards, so it enlists wade to find them for him. To really ensure this someone or something gets the seven shards it steals Wade's all-powerful Robes of Anorak and threatens the lives of millions. So now Wade/ Parzival and the High Five must retrieve these shards and discover who or what the Siren is, and why this person/thing wants it so badly to threaten millions of innocent people's lives. 
    If you enjoyed Ready Player One I would recommend reading this sequel even though it has received mixed reactions online. I quite enjoyed this book personally, it was a fun read for me, even though I didn't get all of the references. The ending of the book really seemed to cap off the series. I cannot think of any possibility of seeing a Ready Player 3 on shelves sometime in 2022 or 23. But then again I thought of the same thing when I read the first one, so I'll never know what Ernest Cline has up his sleeves. 

-Nate Roth


  1. I think you did a good job summing up what the book is about. I've never read any of the books, but I've watched the movie and really enjoyed all the references. It seems like I'll have to read the books to catch up on the story!

  2. Wow, this sounds like such and intriguing new book! I read Ready Player One, but I didn't know there was a sequel. Nice summary; I think I am going to look into reading this book.

  3. I really enjoyed Ready Player One, but was turned off from reading the sequel due to all the bad press. From your summary, I think Cline just wanted to capitalize off of the first book's success. What reason did Halliday have to create a second puzzle? After all, he already hid everything behind the first one. This book honestly just seems like the first book, but with Sword Art Online and more references. It's good that you enjoyed Ready Player Two, but I think I'll pass on it.


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