The Five Most Common Types of Blog Posts - Miranda
Throughout the year, we have seen a variety of blog posts grace the pages of the Mitchell class blogs. However, there are certain types that people tend to gravitate towards more. Almost all posts can fit into at least one of these categories. Let’s take a look at five common types of blog posts I have noticed. The Book Review Easily the most common of the types of blog posts, book reviews are pretty straight forward. Reviews simply summarize the story (which may or may not include spoilers) and offer their recommendation and opinion at the end. Most of the book reviews I’ve read on our blogs have skewed positive, though I do see the occasional one where the author did not enjoy the book. Whether they have a positive or negative opinion, the author usually recommends it to people with certain interests at the end anyway. The Book versus Movie Comparison Another common blog post is the book versus movie comparison, a post I have done a couple of times myself. It feeds into the age-old...