The Five Most Common Types of Blog Posts - Miranda

Throughout the year, we have seen a variety of blog posts grace the pages of the Mitchell class blogs. However, there are certain types that people tend to gravitate towards more. Almost all posts can fit into at least one of these categories. Let’s take a look at five common types of blog posts I have noticed.

The Book Review

Easily the most common of the types of blog posts, book reviews are pretty straight forward. Reviews simply summarize the story (which may or may not include spoilers) and offer their recommendation and opinion at the end. Most of the book reviews I’ve read on our blogs have skewed positive, though I do see the occasional one where the author did not enjoy the book. Whether they have a positive or negative opinion, the author usually recommends it to people with certain interests at the end anyway.

The Book versus Movie Comparison

Another common blog post is the book versus movie comparison, a post I have done a couple of times myself. It feeds into the age-old debate of which is better: the book or the movie. Most articles of this type I have read agree that the book is better than the movie, however there is the rare case of a worthy adaptation. These types of posts can be more of a critique of the film or simply a comparison.

The Hot Take

One of the most diverse types of blog posts, hottakes can cover anything from why Snape shouldn’t have been hailed as a hero to maybe comparing books and movies isn’t such a fair comparison.  These are some of my favorite posts to read because I find the insights they offer interesting, even if I don’t always agree with them.

Harry Potter

The series so popular, I’m giving it it’s own category in a list of types of blog posts. Nearly everyone at Uni has read the Harry Potter books. The series is so ingrained into our pop culture that it’s one of the few series that you may not have read in years but can still remember nearly all the important plot points and characters. It makes it an easy subject for a blog post (oftentimes last minute) and appeals to the majority of our classmates.

The List

Finally, lists like this one are another common type of blog post. They can be any kind of list — tier, ranking, a list of reasons for something and a lot more. Some lists I’ve seen rank books in a series or list overused character tropes. This is one of the most broad categories, making it a popular pick for blog writers. 

These are far from the only categories that blogs can fall into, just some of the most common ones I have found.



  1. Pretty good list. I can't think of any more large categories, but there are plenty of subcategories such as critiques. I wouldn't say that Harry potter deserves a category of its own, but maybe something a little more broad like "opinions on popular series" would work. I like seeing blog posts that are somewhat out of the ordinary, so this was appreciated.

  2. I also like your list, and the idea to take a step back from the blogs and consider them, rather than just writing more of the same five things. The structure of it reminds me of a field guide or encyclopedia, with the way you just briefly describe each of these different specimens of blog post. Good job!

  3. Nice list, I enjoy a lot of Book vs Movie, hot take, and list blogs because they are quite easy to comment. I think another pretty big category would be people writing blogs about the blog process itself, like how to write, how to comment, what position to sit when reading a book, and etc.

  4. Interesting post! Love the list and would have to totally agree with you. Lots of post I read are book or series reviews (and most of my posts are reviews). I enjoy reading list and hot takes because they tend to be a bit more interesting then your classic book review (they bring different information like yours (: ). Loved the post topic and enjoyed reading!

  5. This is a really interesting change to the usual blog post that we find everywhere on our blogs. It was a great way to step back and appreciate all of the work that has gone into our blogs since the beginning of the year. Great post!

  6. I enjoy the Book vs Movie comparison because it's easy to relate too. I don't read many books, but I do watch a lot of movies. At the beginning of the year, I was expecting most of the blogs to be critiques and evaluations of books. However, I think this list sums it up on how diverse the blog posts are.

  7. This is a really unique type of blog post and it's pretty good. It gives me the vibes of 'breaking the fourth wall' and that's really cool. I agree with most of these, though I personally haven't seen so many Harry Potter-related things that I would give it its own category. I especially agree with the 'List' category, as it's very broad and very common.

  8. Awesome post! I agree with all the categories you've come up with, but I'd like to propose one more: the rant. It has some overlap with the hot take, but often you'll find the rant is more specific than the hot take and isn't always an actual hot take, just something the author is very emotional or opinionated about.


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