Diversity Spotlight: One Crazy Summer - Miranda
One of my all time favorite novels is One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams Garcia. The story follows sisters Delphine, Vonetta, and Fern in the summer of 1968 as they visit their estranged mother in Oakland, California. Throughout the novel the girls have to deal with racism and learn about the Black Panther movement. I was never taught about the Black Panther party in school, so not only was the book enjoyable, but it was educational too. The novel makes for a quick read and I would highly recommend it. This book was different for Garcia. While she often wrote books about characters that were black, she hadn’t written one yet that dealt so much with racism. In an interview, she explained, “It’s [racism] not how people live. Not to say racism doesn’t exist, but it’s not this moment to moment consciousness. I like to include the domestic, intimate things about race and identity that never really make it into books or media—you mainly get big or dramatic events of racism, viole...