11/22/63 Review -Nate

11/22/63 by Stephen King is my first experience with Stephen King. I was recommended this book by one of my friends back at my old school. Although the length of the novel is quite long, the book kept making me want to read more and more. The plot revolves around a high school teacher named Jake. One day Jake goes to his favorite diner and the owner, Al, walks to the back and mystically turns into a much older and sicker self. Al then gives the rundown of how in the back of this restaurant there is a portal to 1958, explaining how he suddenly got way older and sicker. Al's goal with the time portal thingy is to go back and stop the assassination of JFK on 11/22/63. Because of Al's condition, he can not continue and trusts Jake to stop the assassination for him. The rest of the novel follows Jake and his travels through the 50s and 60s and his determination to stop the JFK assassination. 

    With my first novel into Stephen King, I'm not disappointed. The plot is very unique, with its take on time travel. The time travel in the story has the character be travel to 9/9/1958 at exactly 11:58 a.m. Then when the traveler goes back in they are taken back, only 2 minutes are passed. However, with multiple uses of the portal the timeline reset with each travel back to 1958. I haven't seen anything like it before. And is very different from other popular interpretations of time travel. With the story's unique plot and time travel aspect this book just kept making me want to read more and more. Although Stephen King is known for his horror story, he still wrote a darn good sci-fi story.  Making me want to highly recommend to book people who enjoy history, sci-fi, or just want a good exciting book to read. 



  1. I haven't read any Stephen King novels before (only some of his short stories), but this book seems interesting. I agree that the time travel mechanism is unique, but I'm not sure exactly how it will make a compelling story. I guess I'll have to read the book to find out.

  2. I love Stephen King! I've never heard of this book, but I really want to check it out now. I think the time travel thing could get a little confusing, but honestly from your review it seems like it would be worth it.

  3. I haven't read any Stephen King novels before, but a time travel story sounds pretty dope. I might give this book a shot mainly because I have yet to come across a book that deals with time travel.
    Nice post!

  4. I haven't read any Stephen King, being wary of the horror genre and sleepless nights that I am convinced would follow if I tried to read it. I didn't realize Stephen King wrote other genres. This book sounds interesting, so maybe I'll have to read it. Great job!


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